Harvest: theirs and ours

12 Apr 2022 | Mission | 0 comments

We dare not ask you bless our harvest feast

Till it is spread for poorest and for least.

We dare not bring our harvest gifts to you

Unless our hungry brothers share them too.


Not only at this time, Lord; every day

Those whom you love are dying while we pray.

Teach us to do with less, and so to share

From our abundance more than we can spare.


Now with this harvest plenty round us piled,

Show us the Christ in every starving child;

Speak, as you spoke of old in Galilee,

‘You feed, or your refuse, not them but me!’


Lilian Cox, 1995.

Notes from the Compiler

What a difference! In the 1960s I remember distributing harvest gifts to the poor and elderly in dockside Bootle. Today we send tins and bottles and in-date non-perishables to the local foodbank, or a monetary gift to a charity which supports refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine. But what about those in East Africa afflicted today by drought and famine?


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