With thee on board, each sailor is a king,
Nor I mere captain of my vessel then,
But heir of earth and heaven, eternal child;
Daring all truth, nor fearing anything;
Mighty in love, the servant of all men;
Resenting nothing, taking rage and blare
Into the Godlike silence of a loving care.
George MacDonald (1824-1905), The Diary of an Old Soul, February 22nd.
In the current consumer society of individuals who wonder, 'what is in it for me?', I have again and again to remind myself of a bigger picture, purpose and responsibility. S. Paul's vision of Christ is wider even than global: 'through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven....' (Colossians 1:20). Moreover, this message 'has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven.'