Liz Truss ‘Growth, Growth, Growth’

1 May 2022 | Humankind | 0 comments

We have grown brave we modern folk,

eager to kiss the moon’s reluctant face,

defying every harness, chain and yoke,

kicking our rockets down the field of space.


We flout established customs undismayed,

leap time and space with buttons we have pressed,

attempt to outwit death at his own trade,

transplanting hearts from dead to living flesh.


And yet we are afraid to step aside

from lockstepped columns marching without aim,

to sit alone in silence, stripped of pride,

refocusing our thoughts on wisdom’s flame,

to climb that stony path few feet have trod

where sacrifice and faith discover God.


Muriel Hammond (1925-2021), No Empty Phrases.

Notes from the Compiler

But I also like this critique of my response to recession: 'The bread you keep for yourself belongs to the hungry, The cloak that you store away belongs to the naked, The money that you salt away is the price of the poor person’s freedom. Ambrose (c. 339-397), cited by Thomas Aquinas. In Timothy Radcliffe, 'What is the Point of Being a Christian?' London, Burns and Oates, 2005, p. 152.


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