Bishops… Butt of the Ignoramus

14 Apr 2022 | Church | 0 comments

I admire the Bishops of the Church of England

No man can be a Bishop of the Church of England

And a fool.

A man can be a Bishop of the Church of England

And a knave.



Few if any of the Bishops of the Church of England

Are men of ill will.

They do their best

To resolve wisely

To govern effectively.

They are the butt of the ignoramus,

Of the sentimentalist,

Of the man who makes

Of his own bad temper and incompetency

A Movement for the Amelioration of the Sufferings

Of the Oppressed Members of the Lower Middle Classes.


Stevie Smith (1902-71), The Bishops of the Church of England, 1978.


Notes from the Compiler

Many 'Baby Boomers' (born 1944-64) who have stopped going to church, and read this question-begging view of the church's leadership, will share Stevie Smith's scepticism. Famous for her poem, 'Not Waving but Drowning' (posted in this anthology), the author neither fully accepted nor abandoned the Anglican church in which she was nurtured. She even described herself as a 'lapsed atheist'! She confessed, ' There is a God in whom I do not believe. Yet to this God my love stretches....'


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