Tree of Life: Upside Down

Tree of Life: Upside Down

There is a tree grows upside down, Its roots are in the sky; Its lower branches reach the earth When amorous winds are nigh.   One lone bough there starkly hangs A Man just crucified, And all the other branches bear The choice fruits of the Bride.   When...

Happy Tree

There was a bright and happy tree; The wind with music laced its boughs; Thither across the houseless sea Came singing birds to house.   Men grudged the tree its happy eyes, Its happy dawns of eager sound; So all that crown and tower of leaves They levelled with...
On a Friday Morning

On a Friday Morning

It was on a Friday morning that they took me from the cell and I saw they had a carpenter to crucify as well. You can blame it on to Pilate You can blame it on the Jews You can blame it on the Devil But it’s God that I accuse           ‘It’s God they ought...
Waiting for Jesus

Waiting for Jesus

On the outskirts of Jerusalem the donkey waited. Not especially brave, or filled with understanding, he stood and waited. How horses, turned out into the meadow, leap with delight! How doves, released from their cages, clatter away, splashed with sunlight. But the...


Why do we buy a newspaper For it’s plain for us to see The pulp that it is made of Was better as a tree.   George Knowles (1937- ), Pit to Priest, 2007.