Happy Tree

23 Mar 2023 | Jesus Christ | 0 comments

There was a bright and happy tree;

The wind with music laced its boughs;

Thither across the houseless sea

Came singing birds to house.


Men grudged the tree its happy eyes,

Its happy dawns of eager sound;

So all that crown and tower of leaves

They levelled with the ground.


They made an upright of the stem,

A cross-piece of a bough they made:

No shadow of their deed on them

The fallen branches laid.


But blithely, since the year was young,

When they a fitting hill did find,

There on the happy tree they hung

The Saviour of mankind.


Gerald Gould (1985-1936), The Happy Tree.

Notes from the Compiler

'The Happy Tree and Other Poems', published by Victor Gollancz, 1919. In 1914 with his wife, Gerald Gould founded 'The United Suffragists' which welcomed both female and male members. The group ended in 1918 with the passing of the 'Representation of the People' Act..


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