Escaping a recession

12 Apr 2022 | Moral Justice | 1 comment

I am spending my way out

Of a recession. The road chokes

On delivery vans.


I used to be Just looking Around,

I used to be How Much, and

Have You Got it in Beige.


Now I devour whole stores –

High speed spin; giant size; chunky gold;

De luxe springing. Things.


I drag them around me into a stockade.

It is dark inside; but my credit cards

Are incandescent.


Connie Bensley (1929- ).

Notes from the Compiler

Connie Bensley did not write poetry until she was in her early 40s. She was a secretary to doctors and an MP, as well as being a medical copywriter. She lives in a comfortable part of suburban London, and touches unerringly on middle-class desires, their apparent needs and tempting escape strategies. Today she challenges me on, 'How will I cope with the current financial crisis?'

1 Comment

  1. An extremely relevant and interesting passage


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