Thanks be to God for the food on the table;
Thank you, our daily cry.
Food for today and with more for tomorrow,
All of our needs supplied.
Crops from the field, fruit from the tree,
Vegetables from the ground;
Food from the earth, fish from the sea,
Plenty to go around.
Thanks be to God for all we enjoy
All that is on our plate;
Enough for today and with more for tomorrow,
Harvest we celebrate.
Beautiful world, gift to us all,
Teach us, O Lord, to care;
Plentiful world, enough for us all,
Teach us, O Lord, to share.
Thanks be to God for this world where we live,
Thank you for time and place;
Thank you for life and each day that you give,
Thank you for boundless grace.
Peter Reiss (1962- ), Tune; ‘Skye boat song’