What isolates me here in frozen clay
But that same tidal shock which fell
First upon England in your day?
Betrayal of the truth is no new thing
Within the fellowship of Christ, yet new
Was the cold glare whence alien ripples flashed….
The darkness comes as you foretold.
You hear the fretful moan,
The alien winds that rave
As bitterly the grey truth breaks
On disillusioned Church and frantic world.
You see what form the judgement takes,
What harvest faithless generations reap:
The folds half empty, no clean pasture for the sheep;
Soil sterile where the liberal waters swirled
Which now have hardened into mud
Of festering ethic; fruitless hands grown chill
With their starved, pallid blood;
And the sky freezing still….
Jack Clemo (1916-94), The Broad Winter, (Dedicated to Charles Haddon Spurgeon)