Hope for us in time’s rust

11 Apr 2022 | Glory | 0 comments

Man at the best a creature frail and vain,

In knowledge ignorant, in strength but weak,

Subject to sorrows, losses, sickness, pain,

Each storm his state, his mind, his body break,

From some of these he never finds cessation,

But day or night, within, without, vexation,

Troubles from foes, from friends, from dearest, near’st Relation.


And yet this sinfull creature, frail and vain,

This lump of wretchedness, of sin and sorrow,

This weather-beaten vessel wrackt with pain,

Joys not in hope of an eternal morrow;

Nor all his losses, crosses and vexation,

In weight, in frequency and long duration

Can make him deeply groan for that divine Translation.


The Mariner that on smooth waves doth glide,

Sings merrily and steers his Barque with ease,

As if he had command of wind and tide,

And now becomes great Master of the seas;

But suddenly a storm spoils all the sport,

And makes him long for a more quiet port,

Which ’gainst all adverse winds may serve for fort.


So he that faileth in this world of pleasure,

Feeding on sweets, that never bit of th’ sowre,

That’s full of friends, of honour and of treasure,

Fond fool, he takes this earth ev’n for heav’ns bower,

But sad affliction comes and makes him see

Here’s neither honour, wealth, nor safety;

Only above is found all with security.


Time the fatal wrack of mortal things,

That draws oblivions curtains over kings,

Their sumptuous monuments, men know them not,

Their names without a Record are forgot,

Their parts, their ports, their pomp’s all laid in th’ dust.

Nor wit, nor gold, nor buildings scape times rust;

But he whose name is grav’d in the white stone

Shall last and shine when all of these are gone.


Anne Bradstreet (c1612-72), Contemplations.

Notes from the Compiler


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