Here is no monarch God

15 Mar 2022 | Christ-likeness | 0 comments

Morning glory, starlit sky,

soaring music, scholar’s truth,

flight of swallows, autumn leaves,

memory’s treasure, grace of youth:


Open are the gifts of God,

gifts of love to mind and sense;

hidden is love’s agony,

love’s endeavor, love’s expense.


Love that gives, gives ever more,

gives with zeal, with eager hands,

spares not, keeps not, all outpours,

ventures all its all expends.


Drained is love in making full,

bound in setting others free,

poor in making many rich,

weak in giving power to be.


Therefore he who shows us God

helpless hangs upon the tree;

and the nails and crown of thorns

tell of what God’s love must be.


Here is God: no monarch he,

throned in easy state to reign;

here is God, whose arms of love

aching, spent, the world sustain.


W.H. Vanstone (1923-1999 ), Morning Glory: Starlit Sky.


Notes from the Compiler

Ordained in 1950, Bill Vanstone is remembered for being a devoted parish priest in Halliwell, Lancashire, and for writing two outstanding Christian books that fill out the insights of his poem: 'Love's Endeavour: Love's Expense' (1979), and 'The Stature of Waiting' (1982). He believed 'Humanity can achieve its true dignity through a life of prayer'.


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