

And now in age I bud again, After so many deaths I live and write; I once more smell the dew and rain, And relish versing. Oh my only light, It cannot be That I am he On whom thy tempests fell all night.   George Herbert (1593-1633). The...
In the Night

In the Night

‘Honest Doubt’? You say, but with no touch of scorn,          Sweet-hearted, you, whose light-blue eyes          Are tender over drowning flies, You tell me, doubt is Devil-born. I know not: one indeed I knew          In many a subtle question versed,...
Majestic like the Sun

Majestic like the Sun

The Spirit breathes upon the Word, And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford, A sanctifying light.   A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun: It gives a light to every age, It gives, but borrows none.   The Hand that gave it...
Far From Home

Far From Home

All day long we’ve walked, my little boy so fretful, turning in my arms to stare behind us, back along that dusty road.   It’s as if he hears a distant sound, he’s listening, it seems, but much too young to know the dreadful things we’ve heard.   Now it’s...
Held Fast

Held Fast

I threaten’d to observe the strict decree     Of my dear God with all my power and might;     But I was told by one it could not be; Yet I might trust in God to be my light. “Then will I trust,” said I, “in Him alone.”     “Nay,...