Forgiven and Forgiving

9 Sep 2022 | Christ-likeness | 2 comments

History teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves –

from our recklessness, or our greed.

God sent into the world a unique person –

neither a philosopher nor a general –

but a Saviour, with the power to forgive.


Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith.

It can heal broken families,

it can restore friendships

and it can reconcile divided communities.

It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love


Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), 2011.

Notes from the Compiler

Queen Elizabeth was an outspoken Christian who used her annual Christmas broadcast to share her faith in the person of Jesus Christ. In times of trouble also and not least her 'Annus Horribilis', in a speech at the Guildhall in the City of London in November 1992, she expressed her gratitude for the prayers of those 'who have sustained me through all these years', adding that they 'are friends indeed'.


  1. I think this is very true, and much needed, though our Late Queen Elizabeth was not “outspoken” about her faith…., more willing to bear witness to how she benefited from following the example of Christ’ teachings. Imitating the way of Jesus was a key priority, revealed in her dedication of her life to others, her personal sacrifice, and evident prayerfulness.


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