Walk with God

Walk with God

The Lord of all, himself through all diffused, Sustains, and is the life of all that lives. Nature is but a name for an effect Whose cause is God. He feeds the secret fires By which the mighty process is maintained, Who sleeps not, is not weary; in whose sight Slow...
Living for now, and then

Living for now, and then

Thy life is Gods, thy time to come is gone, And is his right. He is thy night at noon: he is at night Thy noon alone. The crop is his, for he has sown.   And well it was for thee, when this befell, That God did make Thy business his, and in thy life partake: For...
The Last Post

The Last Post

  It is the last post of this life and the reveille of the next. Death is the end of our present life, It is the parting from loved ones; It is the setting out into the unknown. We overcome death by accepting it as the will of a loving God,               by...