by revd | Jul 5, 2024 | Mission
Lord, it belongs not to my care whether I die or live: to love and serve thee is my share, and this thy grace must give. Christ leads me through no darker rooms than he went through before; he that into God’s kingdom comes must enter by this door. Come, Lord,...
by revd | Jun 1, 2023 | Our Father, Mission
God of time and God eternal, God beyond millennia; God whose fingerprints reveal you In the atom and the stars: Flood our hearts with hope and wonder, Fill us with your healing love. God, in Jesus, you have lived life, Shared constraints of...
by revd | May 26, 2023 | Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, New-Life Giver, Rushing wind, and gentle inner flame, Come, inspire us, strengthen, fire us, to the glory of your name. Find the riches of Christ in the stranger In the poor and those without...