by revd | Sep 26, 2022 | Church
I see a door, a multitude near by, In creed and quarrel, sure disciples all! Gladly they would, they say, enter the hall, But cannot, the stone threshold is so high…. But see, one comes; he listens to the voice; Careful he wipes his weary dusty feet! The...
by revd | Oct 5, 2022 | Christ-likeness
We in our prideful counting are answerable to you: Facing the cost of our pride, we choose you; We choose you and your compassion; We choose you, because we trust that, You do not deal with us according to our sins, Nor repay us according to our iniquities. So we...
by revd | Apr 12, 2022 | Glory
Sunshine of surprise enlightens the bridge of sighs O God who givest songs too sweet to sing, Have mercy on thy servant’s feeble tongue, In sacrificial silence sorrowing. And grant that songs unsung, Accepted at thy mercy-seat may bring New light into the darkness of...