The way into church!

The way into church!

I see a door, a multitude near by, In creed and quarrel, sure disciples all! Gladly they would, they say, enter the hall, But cannot, the stone threshold is so high….   But see, one comes; he listens to the voice; Careful he wipes his weary dusty feet! The...


We in our prideful counting are answerable to you: Facing the cost of our pride, we choose you; We choose you and your compassion; We choose you, because we trust that, You do not deal with us according to our sins, Nor repay us according to our iniquities. So we...
Hopeful New Year

Hopeful New Year

Sunshine of surprise enlightens the bridge of sighs O God who givest songs too sweet to sing, Have mercy on thy servant’s feeble tongue, In sacrificial silence sorrowing. And grant that songs unsung, Accepted at thy mercy-seat may bring New light into the darkness of...