Far From Home

Far From Home

All day long we’ve walked, my little boy so fretful, turning in my arms to stare behind us, back along that dusty road.   It’s as if he hears a distant sound, he’s listening, it seems, but much too young to know the dreadful things we’ve heard.   Now it’s...
Glimpses of Truth

Glimpses of Truth

Open my eyes that I may see Glimpses of Truth Thou hast for me; Place in my hand the wonderful key That shall unlock and set me free. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready my God, Thy will to see, Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine.   Clara H. Scott...
He shall win all again

He shall win all again

What hath man done that man shall not undo, Since God to him is grown so near akin? Did his foe slay him? He shall slay his foe. Hath he lost all? He all again shall win. Is sin his master? He shall master sin….   He is a path if any be misled; He is a robe, if any...
Set me Free!

Set me Free!

Hear me, O God! A broken heart Is my best prayer; Use still thy rod That I may prove Therein thy love.   If thou hadst not Been stern to me, But left me free, I had forgot Myself and Thee.   For sin’s so sweet, As minds ill bent Rarely repent, Until they meet Their...